




Light Installation

live stream

Omul în lume și lumea în om

Artist /
Guests /
Trainer /
Teodor Buruiană
Location /

Piața Unirii 24

People are the basic component of anycity, which together with various urban elements, public spaces and activities form a complex system. This component gives life to the city, materializing everything it consists of into a living body. The human body represents the sacredness and energy that fills the public space by its simple presence. Energy is transmitted directly through physical and visual interaction. 

The shapes of the silhouettes are idealized for people to reflect on their inner self. They were made by analyzing several stereotypes of individuals, with diverse physiological features, asymmetrical and natural elements. Vibrant colors are assigned to the human form according to the character it possesses as well as the aura it releases. The cold-formed iron line, together with the chosen neon thread hues, becomes recognizable in the identity of each of us. The project develops the relationship between people and the environment and vice versa, hence the dynamics of the chosen title.

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