




Printed digital artworks

live stream

CharactHER | Female Characters in Games

Artist /
Guests /
Trainer /
Creators CharactHER
Location /

Piața Unirii 24

The feminine energy is powerful yet soft, it inspires and nurtures.

This selection of printed digital artworks brings forth female characters from the game development industry in an attempt to inspire the mind and nurture the soul. It opens up our storytelling appetite as we imagine worlds with unique women, free from fear, empowered to express themselves and follow their paths.

Each artwork stands to facilitate a conversation around female characters’ role in an industry that reaches millions of people.

Equal representation in video games has become a big talking point in recent years, and developers are finally starting to listen. Granted, there are plenty of great retro games with female protagonists. However, it's only recently that the prevalence of female leads in both big-budget and indie titles has really reflected the proportion of women who play video games. (Tom Bowen, thegamer.com)

The CharactHER Art Gallery is organized by Women in Games Romania and Goethe Institute Bucharest with the support of RGDA and Arden.